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My economical, earth friendly plight has reached a turning point.  I would say our cloth diaper status is currently at about 20% and less if I'm really lazy.

We did a good job keeping Rowan in CDs until we switched to his new day care, {which we LOVE, by the way}.  I have to admit, I never asked if they would do cloth diapers.  I just felt like since it is a home-based day care at such a reasonable price, I shouldn’t give them the extra hassle of cloth.  They do require more frequent changes and a little extra time at the changing station.

Since we also use disposable diapers at night, there really isn’t much room at all during the day for Rowan to use CDs.  We were doing cloth on the weekends for a while, but we’ve been noticing that our GroVia hybrids haven’t been fitting Rowan so well.  They’ve gotten harder and harder to get on and I finally threw in the towel.  I was a little disappointed since I thought the diapers would fit until Rowan was potty trained.  Maybe they would fit most babies.  At 17 months, Rowan is pretty big for his age.  We just got a little toilet for the Cub and I think he’s going to catch on fast {fingers crossed}.  At this point, I don’t want to invest any more money trying to find a new cloth diaper that fits. For Rowan, disposos it is, until he can wear real undies.

For Cid, I’ve been using the Thirsties covers with pre-fold inserts.  The thing is, we burn through the inserts in a single day and I’m just not as on top of the laundry as I was with just Rowan. I swear those inserts have been slowly disappearing just like socks!  And sue me if I want to get in a few loads of my own clothes and take a break every once in a while.  

I may or may not buy a few more prefolds.  But mostly, I'll just continue to use what we have the best we can.  I keep telling myself that at least using a few less disposos is doing something good.

Anyone else CDing for two? I love to hear thoughts or tips.

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