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Even though Rogér and I both grew up in rural areas, it's been a while since we lived that way and the boys have never lived that way, aside from vacations at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Petrolia.

We kinda got used to our city ways, so moving out (even though its really not that far out) is going to take some getting used to.

We spent our first few nights at the farmhouse and they went fairly well.  Rogér and I learned that we are too old to sleep on the floor.

As Rogér and I were walking the perimeter of our 23 acres, we saw one of our neighbor families and exchanged waves.  Shortly after those neighbors came over with corn, squash, and lemon cucumbers from their garden! Yum!  When they saw that my mom and dad were staying also, they went home and brought us even more.  Later, another wonderful neighbor brought us freshly made blackberry muffins.  The best I've ever had!

A few neighbors like to target practice...or shoot the ground squirrels...or something.  I'm trying to remind myself that we did that at my parents' house too and will probably also do it here.  It's still a little unnerving, not knowing our neighbors that well.

We got a lot done too, especially with the help of Grandma and Grandpa Dan who finally got to see where they will be living soon!

Not so much on the house, but we got the (temporary) goat area set up and hot-wired a corral and pasture for the horses.

And the boys loved their tractor rides!


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