Well, Hello!
Life certainly has me by the bootstraps and I haven't had much of a chance to do ANYTHING other than chase/drive three kiddos all over the place.
BUT, in a fit of desperation this last week, I took away all tv & electronics from the boys (You'd think I would have learnt by now that this is actually more of a punishment to myself, amiright?!) and since cartoons are now out of the question, I have to come up with activities for them to do during the Spring Break mornings when I would like to sleep in for a fraction of a minute.
This used to be common practice in our household, but with the move to the farm and the addition of Little V, I got lazy (or human). And so far, I've been unsuccessful in getting us back on track with activities instead of tv in the mornings. The last few times I tried I failed miserably.
This time, I'm just keeping a glimmer of hope that the boys will appreciate my after hour efforts of prepping materials for them, rather than scoffing an sulking about no tv time.
On the menu tomorrow morning will be decorating construction paper egg cutouts (easy to make) and this coloring page that I found on Pinterest.
In my search for a simple, easy to prep activity, I came across a great jelly bean estimation idea, but there was no printable available to download so I had to recreate it in my own way. The jelly bean estimation activity will probably be something we do on Easter Day, when jelly beans are in high supply. And since I had a hard time finding any printable available online already, I've gone ahead and put it here to share with you!
Enjoy & let me know if you tried it!