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If you're like me, you were frantically searching Pinterest for some green colored food and interesting kid's crafts that need like zero materials last night.

Luckily, I found a couple things that I merged together to make this little gem.

We're making rainbows that lead to our personal pots of gold! In case you want to make one too, I added instructions, even though I know you can figure it out on your own.  And, for your convenience, I added my pot of gold drawing for you to print as a template if you want, even though I know you can draw that too ;) It's at the end of the post.

You'll need:

-Plain paper
-Yellow paper
-Pens/paints/crayons/tissue (or anything to make a rainbow)
-Glue or tape

1) Cut yellow circles out of the yellow paper - these will be the coins - I made five for each child
2) Print the template below
3) Ask your kid(s) what they treasure (or really really like) and transcribe these onto the coins
4) Have your child(ren) glue the coins onto the pot of gold
5) Then let them paint or draw (or whatever else) a rainbow!

Pretty simple!

Print your template:
 -Save this image to your computer & print!

Enjoy :)



  1. Good one, Sarah! I'll be looking for ideas from you. And awww on the things that they treasure.


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