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We have yet another round of the sickies going on in this house.

And I woke up with zilch energy to deal with two sick kids all day.

I had resigned myself to the idea that they would sit in front of the tv ALL day.

My friend Jane texted me an idea to make a batch of "throw-away" play-dough.  Honestly, I was too lazy to make any play-dough for my sick kids to use and toss, but the idea was brilliant and lucky for me we had a batch of homemade play-dough that was already sitting around and reaching its end of life anyway.

I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I LOVE play-dough.  The kids really go wild with it.  We're talking 45 minutes to an hour of occupied time...its golden.

It is a little messy, but so is just about everything else my kids like to play with.

Ok, so 1 hr what?

What do other parents do on sicks days?



  1. Basically pray I wouldn't get it 🙃

    1. Me too, Shelley! I was avoiding them all day! Poor kids.


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